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Godfrey Reggio is an acclaimed filmmaker, best known for his groundbreaking trilogy of films - "Koyaanisqatsi," "Powaqqatsi," and "Naqoyqatsi." These cinematic masterpieces, often described as "visual symphonies," artfully combined mesmerizing visuals with thought-provoking ideas, encouraging viewers to reflect deeply on the human condition and its interactions with the environment and technology. The Godfrey Reggio Foundation seeks to uphold this visionary approach to filmmaking, emphasizing the power of the moving image as a catalyst for social and cultural change.


Empowering minds through filmmaking and art.

Mentoring encompasses diversity.

Inspiring the future-present concept.



The Godfrey Reggio Foundation under the stewardship of Marti Reggio extends the legacy of Godfrey Reggio’s vision within the Mentor Project and social media. His commitment to the art of filmmaking through the concept of future-present, “The future is not someplace we are going but one we are creating.” To further the process; shape perspectives, and empower individuals in Nature to technology, from freedom to marginalized, from Love to despair. Within the process, Godfrey mentors the dedication to seeking the future-present together.

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Godfrey over the years

The Interviews


Images courtesy of Godfrey Reggio

Once Within a Time

The Reviews are in!

Photo courtesy of Oscilloscope Laboratories


This is an additional call to support the livelihood of Godfrey Reggio and his wife Marti. Over the last 40 years, Reggio’s films have mirrored the psyche of the modern world while revealing the beauty of the living world - Koyaanisqatsi, 1982, with a score by Philip Glass, exposed in a visceral way the effects of our culture on the world in image and music. The new film Once Within a Time, 2022, captures the current multiple crises in stunning visuals, accessing subconscious knowings.

During his lifetime, he has focused on his art. His films have all been created within a not-for-profit documentary status. Godfrey has put their art over financial gain.

Godfrey's ongoing creativity rises in public speaking, writing, drawing, and mentoring. Currently, he needs support, especially at age 84, as he is in a somewhat fragile state.

Funds will be used for his daily living expenses to get through this period where there is no current funding.


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